Hey everybody, this is Nate with Customs Broker Geek. Today, we're going to get into part two of our keys to success series. We're going to build on the last tutorial, where we showed you how to know exactly what's going to be on the exam. Today, we're going to show you how to use that information to structure your study and get the most out of your time. So, if you missed the first part, you can find it on our website customsbrokergeek.com. In the menu under "Passing the Exam," click on the "Keys to Success" menu item. This is where this six-part series is going to be. There, you can find part 1 which will walk you through how to use old exams to identify exactly what topics and questions are going to be on the upcoming exam. We're going to build on that today and talk about how to study. The first thing you want to do is use the questions that you pulled from part one. You went through the old exams and made a list of the questions. Here's an example of one of the exam answer keys, where you can see that Customs gives you citations for the sources that correspond to the correct answers. If you followed the tutorial in part one, you should have a spreadsheet something like this. This is my spreadsheet, where I've been tabulating the results for several years. You don't need to go back ten years, use some of the more recent ones like I advise. This is how I set up my sheet - I have the test date, question number, answer reference, and then a column for the part or chapter in the tariff book. I also like to include the question in this column too, so...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Customs broker district permit application